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My impressions about the mission

Počas misií na Katolíckej univerzite sa zúčastnili programu mladí vysokoškoláci z Litvi, ktorí sa chceli inšpirovať skúsenosťou z misií na našej univerzite, aby mohli podobný program realizovať na vlastnej univerzite. Uvádzame postreh jedenej z Litoviek:

„It was the first time we were visiting a Catholic University, so it was very great experience to see how the Christian community life is being built in the academic environment. Also we were impressed how readily students accepted the evangelization program. It was nice to see so many young people in the church not only standing there but also worshiping and participating in the liturgy as they really were one Body.

We were catched by idea of organizing the “Catedra of seekers” discussions at the University. The way of speaking about the Church and Christianity seemed to be very appropriate seeking the dialogue with indiferens or non-believers. We plan to try this model at our university as well! Also we are very grateful for the teachings given to us by fr Rastislav Dluhy CSsR and diacon Jozef Mihok CSsR. They revived our knowledge about the evangelization, charismas and community life and renewed the wish to proclaim the Gospel. Besides we had a great opportunity to explore Slovakia by traveling to some nice places and communicating with local people. Thank you all for these wonderfull moments!“

God bless! Giedre